2023. dec 18.


írta: KovácsBernadett

Dear Reader,

welcome to my blog.

It has been created  to provide an insight into the world of human rights, culture, IT and science, with a special focus on women's careers in science and tech.

Women make up 52.5% of the population, but their presence in scientific careers is just over 20%, with less than 12% in the IT field. Moreover, women make up 53% of all students in higher education, and there is also a similar proportion in doctoral studies, but this is reversed in later scientific careers: the proportion of men among adjunct professors, associate professors and professors is increasing, for the latter reaching almost 80%.

Why would it be important to have more women in these areas?

Today, the emergence of new jobs closely or loosely linked not only to science but also to IT is an exciting process. We couldn't have imagined these a few years ago, and we have no idea what surprises this area has in store. Whatever they may be, they will never be boring. The more they are well paid and also accessible to women, the more it is a question of attitude.

For most women and girls, for example, a career in IT is unusual because it is now seen as a mostly male profession. This is not helpful for those who are not given the opportunity to decide whether they are interested in the area, and it is also damaging to the profession.

The World Economic Forum in 2018 study showed that by 2020, the skills shortage is expected to grow by around 12 million, meaning that at least 22 million IT jobs could be vacant worldwide, especially in the United States and European Union countries where companies are competing for IT specialists.

This is how the shortage of IT specialists has become a global challenge.

This is not helped by stereotypes: scientists in white coats are not always men, and geeks are now business owners, CEOs, well-paid employees or other creative minds in a wide range of areas. A geek woman can be a role model if she has a supportive environment. As parents, relatives or educators, we can do a lot to encourage the girls around us.

Enjoy your reading and have fun with it.

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